47. Disordered Eating: A Personal Story

Opening up about the harder parts of our lives can be challenging, so we're glad that we've created a safe space to be able to do so, and we thank you for being here. Disordered eating is all too common in our society & because it is so normalized, many of the signs go unnoticed. Every day we're working towards unraveling the falsehoods we've become acquainted with when it comes to food & how we nourish our bodies. 

We cover:

  • The difference between disordered eating & an eating disorder

  • Signs & symptoms of disordered eating

  • Madison's journey

  • Tess' discovery on how deeply rooted disordered eating thoughts are in her own life

  • Tips on supporting your healing journey

  • Recognizing the journey isn't linear

Please be advised that this episode covers disordered eating — a sensitive subject for some. We don’t want to trigger anyone, but we hope that through this conversation we might help anyone who needs it. 

Links From Our Chat:
Disordered Eating vs Eating Disorder article


48. Honesty & Ownership


46. The In-Between