46. The In-Between

Ah, the good ole in-between. Ever heard of it? Ever experienced it? If you've ever felt like you were in straight-up limbo in one or more areas of your life, you know how unsettling it can be. So we're sitting down to hash it all out. The good & thenot-so-good
We cover:

  • The current in-betweens we're experiencing

  • The feelings that often accompany the in-between

  • What we can learn from these periods of our life & how we can use them to grow

  • How we navigate the in-between with ease & acceptance (& joy?!)

  • The advice we can give ourselves when we find ourselves in the thick of the big question mark

Just remember that we can celebrate all seasons of our lives & that the best surprises can come from the in-between! 

Links From Our Chat:
Yoga Toes 


47. Disordered Eating: A Personal Story


45. Funny How Things Change, Isn't It?