The Conscious Cowboys

We met a few years back in our hometown, which is conveniently located just outside of Los Angeles, in a Pilates studio that we both instructed at. It didn’t take long for us to hit it off and discover all that we had in common (it’s a lot, you’ll see!), and before long we were nearly inseparable. We would spend all of our time together discussing the self-development topics you’ve come to know us for, making something delish in the kitchen, moving our bodies with intention, and daydreaming about how cool it would be to collaborate and share all of our big ideas with the world. So BAM — The Conscious Cowboys was conceived. 

We are truly so excited to be here growing, learning, and consciously evolving with each of you. Thank you for showing up for yourself, and the world, by being on this journey with us.  It’s one of the most valuable things you could be doing with your time. 

Madison + Tess


Meet Madison

I know that I can speak for both Tess & myself in saying that writing an “about me” almost feels self-indulgent. Anyone else?

When I was younger, I genuinely had no clue as to what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be as I grew up - I just knew that I wanted to be someone that I was proud of.

I went through my own self-development journey after High School, and needed to intentionally learn how to heal my body after an eating disorder. On that journey, I became enamored with self-growth, food as medicine, movement that laid the foundation for a deeper connection to my body, and an overall subjective approach to wellness.

After meeting Tess and realizing that we are undoubtedly soul-sisters, we set out to create The Conscious Cowboys - and as the saying goes, the rest is history.

Meet Tess

Um, yes… self-indulgent indeed, Madison! But I guess so is having a weekly podcast where you share your life experience, so why stop now?!

From as early as I can remember, health & wellness were a top priority in my life. My mama taught me at a young age that my well-being was the foundation of all things in my life, and that in order to be really happy, I needed to take good care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. I owe so much of who I am in the wellness space to her — she taught me to move my body every day, to create a nurturing space for my mental health, and how to be confident in myself in such a deep way that I’m able to freely share my journey with others.

So viola! Here I am, 20 some-odd years later, a more conscious & evolved version of who I’ve always been. And now with great pleasure, I get to share it all with you, alongside my bestie, Madison. Lucky me.