17. Listening To Your Body: Intuition, Listening To Your Gut, & Learning How to Stabilize Our Mood

In this final episode of our Listening To Your Body Series, we chat about tapping into your intuition, listening to your gut feelings, and how we're working towards mood stabilization. In true listening-to-your-body fashion, we check in with how we're doing in the present moment and discuss the important role that intuition plays within our lives.


The Conscious Cowboys podcast is a weekly show hosted by Madison Buteyn & Tess Sieja. The highly relatable duo dive into topics that spark their deepest curiosities, such as physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well as overall wellness, personal development, nutrition, skincare, self-care, and so much more. Through speaking with inspiring individuals and sharing their own life experiences, Madison and Tess give you a well-rounded, accessible, and relaxed approach to becoming a more Conscious Cowboy.


18. The Great and Not-So-Great Wellness Trends
