78. Cowboy Recap - 2021

YO COWBOYS! You ready to wrap up 2021? Us too.

We rounded up our community & asked them to share their experiences on this past year, as well as what they’re looking forward to in the upcoming year. 

We share their responses, along with our own, on:
• 2021 PMA - something positive that happened in our lives
• something we learned this year
• something embarrassing that happened this year
• & 2022 hopes and dreams

Per usual, there’s a handful of good laughs and insight sprinkled in. It’s light & airy — perfect way to end a year of transformation. 

& while we’re here… just a moment to thank you, fellow cowboys, for SUCH a beautiful year. You’ve blown us away time and time again with your openness, kindness, and love. Let’s do it again next year — deal? 


79. New Year's Intentions With a Side of Cannibalism & Foot Fetishes


77. Lucky Number Seventy-Seven