77. Lucky Number Seventy-Seven

Ohhhhhh the holidays. A little bit of love, a little bit of stress. And absolutely zero-sugar coating. This week we're tackling both ends of the spectrum & how they're showing up in our lives.

Grumpy moods have come out of the woods swinging this week, a friend we love had a near-death experience that made us reconsider why we'd ever get caught up over the little things, we talk about our favorite holiday traditions, how holiday gift-giving can be a little forced, Madison's most favorite Christmas gift that she's ever received (which is somehow surprising & not-at-all surprising all at once), and more!

So if you were feeling a bit off your rocker this week, you're clearly not alone. Hopefully, this conversation helps you recalibrate. And may we all find ourselves chilling the f*ck out.
Big love to you, Cowboys!


78. Cowboy Recap - 2021


76. The Magic Conch