65. Balance, Becoming The Cowboys, Friendship, & Trusting Our Path (Our Interview From the Trading The Tea Podcast)

Remember Lauren from episode 32 - Doing Instead of Watching with Lauren Gates? Well she’s got her own podcast now with her friend Emily called Trading The Tea, & we were their first-ever guests (yeehaw!). You can find that whole conversation right here. 

We talked about our journey of becoming the cowboys, how we balance friendship & brand-building, tips we have for starting on your own creative endeavor, & so much more. Lauren & Emily are so sweet, so we loved being a part of this launch for them! By the way this conversation flowed, you'd never know it was their first time having guests on their show! 

It's fun to be on the other side of the table. We hope you enjoy!



66. Cowboy Book Club with Corina Alulquoy Brown: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


64. Let's Get Lymphy with Sabrina Sweet