49. Hey, Are You Stressed?

Clenched jaw, stiff neck, clammy palms, scattered thoughts, or feelings of overwhelm? Friends, if you're feeling any of those lately, your body is communicating to you that you're in a stress response state. 

In this episode, we're diving into what stress and the stress response is, how it manifests in the body, what our body does during the fight or flight phase, and methods we rely on to mitigate stressful events we face. 

Remember, prolonged stress responses in the body correlate with a weakened immune system, hormone imbalances, and advanced aging. So take care of yourself! Tune in to your body. Make room for peace. Learn how to decompress. 

P.S. happy pride month & happy graduation to Madison!


50. We’re Not Really Strangers


48. Honesty & Ownership