40. Shadow Work With Ariel Sweetland

If you listened to the Intentionally Sober episode with Ariel Sweetland, near the end of the chat you may have heard Ariel share a tiny bit about shadow work's involvement in her healing journey. So we brought her back on to dive in a little deeper on the topic. 

Ariel shares how shadow work sheds light on things we typically choose to hide, how doing 'shadow work' looks different for everyone, how to identify our triggers in order to promote self-healing, connecting to our inner-child & honoring ourselves in the process, recognizing our ego within our behaviors, setting boundaries, and how the chakras are involved in shadow work. 

Yes, we're going THERE. 
Saddle up. It's time to start healing. 


  • Follow Ariel on Instagram: @arieldaanna

  • Book: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

  • Book: When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

  • Book: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk


41. Palate Cleanser No. 3


39. Healing Naturally, The Power of Visualization, Food As Medicine, & Label Reading With Holistic With Heidi