102. Mental Toughness & The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Here we are, episode 102! It's nice to be in the one-hundreds, feels right. Thank you for being here with us :) 

In this ep, we chat about how we strengthen our mental space and why it’s so important to us as of late. We also talk about staying in our own lane, doing things for the sake of feeling deeply fulfilled, making weird noises, being consistent, and many other lil goodies. 

We wrap up this ep with “the lies we tell ourselves”, inspired by Poosh. We unpacked the lies that no longer serve us and share the thoughts that we actively accept in order to counteract those untruths. 

Stay well, Cowboys! Love uuuuuu


103. Best Friends & Business, Do They Mix??


101. Gut Health, The Gut-Brain Connection, and Restoring Balance With Holistic Nutritionist Grace Terrell