21. Pursuing Your Passion, the Power of Positivity & Saying Yes, and Haircare 101 With Kiley Fitzgerald

In this episode, we chat with celebrity hairstylist & all-around incredible person, Kiley Fitzgerald. We cover breaking the stigma of trade professions, how her "yes mentality", positive outlook, & hard work have brought amazing opportunities her way, the importance of balance, and of course — hair care! Kiley radiates warmth and joy, so this episode will leave you feeling better than before you decided to click play. 

Connect with KILEY
Davines — Love Shampoo and Conditioner
Virtue Labs — Clarifying Shampoo


22. A Little Bit of This & A Lil Bit of That


20. Believing In Yourself, Connecting To Your Creativity, & Becoming More Present with Corina Alulquoy Brown