91. Spring Cleaning

Do you love the idea of spring cleaning? Getting rid of unnecessary clutter & feeling a sense of renewal? Have you ever thought about doing a spring cleaning for your mind? Well, you're in luck cause this week we're dusting things off! We're making sure our inner climate matches the outer—light n airy. 

We're clearing out some recent self-limiting beliefs (they sneak up on ya quick if you're not paying close attention!) & filling you in on what life looks like for us these days. 

We feel grateful to be learning & growing alongside you, cowboys. Cheers to doing all of these upcoming seasons together, and doing them well! 

Episode Resources:
Adriana Blanc's episode: Attainable Wellness with Adriana Blanc
Mallory Page's episode: Living Unrestricted with Mallory Page


92. Sexy Single Behavior


90. Dolce Far Niente