74. Death Neutrality & The Inner Voice with Kathryn Sullivan

This week, we’re joined by Kathryn Sullivan, who helped open our minds to topics that we aren’t too familiar with. We discuss reaching a place of death neutrality, address the discomfort that typically surrounds the topic of death, tools to help one navigate through grief and loss of any sort, and how to lean into your intuition—ultimately building trust within yourself and the entire process we call life. It’s a beautiful, raw conversation that helps build a bridge of acceptance & lust for living a life you’re genuinely happy with.
  ** If you just read that and thought, “woaaaah that sounds heavy”—don’t be intimidated by the topic! It’s softer and more digestible than you think. **

Near the end, Kathryn leads us through an exercise that starts a conversation with our inner voice. If you’re open to it, we urge you to follow along and join us as we take a deep dive into connecting with ourselves on a deeper level. 

Kathryn is a death doula and space holder who specializes in the inner voice. By honoring life’s natural rhythms and cycles, she aims to bring acceptance and serenity to every step of the journey, including death. She’s convinced that by creating a neutral relationship with death, we can add immeasurable value and delight to each day that comes before it. Kathryn consciously leads her life under the guidance of her intuition, and she hopes to inspire others to do the same so that we may all find ourselves happily reaching the end of our days here without any regrets. 


75. Living Unrestricted with Mallory Page


73. Journey of Souls with Skylar Sullivan