60. You Comfy, Cowboy?

If you’re anything like us, the word comfort may carry some negative connotations. We’ve been taught that ‘the comfort zone’ sucks you in & you have to claw your way out. So we’ve been on a mad dash to get to the next level, become better versions of ourselves, and QUICK — make something happen! And while all of that is important for growth & making your dreams come true… allowing comfort to accompany you on your journey is necessary and not something to feel guilty about or ashamed of. 

So, we’re discussing:

  • How we personally cultivate comfort

  • Why comfort is vital to keeping us well

  • How too much self-reflection could potentially act as a hindrance to overall well-being

  • Enjoying the now vs constantly striving to be “better”

  • How we navigate tough decisions (because we’re the actual queens of indecisiveness lol)

  • & a lil check in with how we’re keeping ourselves well these days

Also, here are some recommendations to add some extra flavor to your week:


61. Cowboy Q&A - pt. 02


59. The DL