57. Cowboy Book Club: Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden

Book club, book club... is that you? Mmm yes indeed, our first book club episode is here!

We read Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden & are here to share the main points that stood out to us. We did our best to not spoil too much (😉) because it is very much worth the read.

We get into birth control, "hormone rivers", PCOS, the importance of nourishing our bodies, the 3-month rule, the normalcy of discharge (lol yep), why we all need to destress, hormonal report cards, and overall, just how valuable cycle health is to our well-being.

It's a great read & goes far beyond what we were able to cover here. For us, it is a valuable addition to our collection as it echoes what we've learned about our bodies from working closely with naturopathic doctors, but is very easy to comprehend & pretty much gives a step-by-step outline on how to bring your body back to optimal health. It's an all-around win & shed a lot of light on things we personally have dealt with/are currently dealing with!


58. Shhh, Your Body Knows the Way with Megan Zuzevich


56. Feels Good to Feel Good