53. The Holistic Approach to Skin Health with Amperna Founder, Kiri Yanchenko

As you may know, Tess has been on quite the skin journey over the past 8 months with a condition known as perioral dermatitis. There were moments of total hopelessness through the burning, itching, and sadly... oozing of her skin. But with the help of the right holistic approach, she's finally rounding the corner and getting to a place where her skin is balanced, happy, and restored. Two majorly important contributors to Tess' healing have been the tools & peace of mind that have come with skin coaching sessions with Kiri Yanchenko and Kiri's skincare line, Amperna

In this episode, Kiri shares the journey that led her to start Amperna & helping folks with their skin, why we're seeing so many cases of acne, rosacea, and dermatitis, what holistic skin health means & why it's important. We also discuss how topical probiotic skincare can help repair a compromised skin barrier & biome, how the less-is-more approach can be a game-changer, and simple practices everyone can adopt to help improve their skin.

You can use the code COWBOYS15 for 15% off your order at amperna.com

AMPERNA® founder Kiri Yanchenko personally struggled with adult acne (and perioral dermatitis; what Tess deals with!). Sparked by serious underlying health issues, her skin went from normal to unbearable almost overnight. So began her search for a solution. Kiri’s skin reacted to many common irritants in skincare. She knew her skin needed help to return to its healthy balance. She was looking for an ultra-gentle skincare range that contained key active ingredients, but couldn’t find one. Thus, AMPERNA® was born. 

Links From Our Chat:
Amperna - the skincare line & knowledge base for all things holistic & gentle skin health
Tess' continuous mister - used for cleansing face with purified water


54. Shootin' the Shit


52. One Year of Cowboys