145. Things That Make You Go “Hmm”

We’re back with a fully-loaded episode this week, Cowboys. We share some big changes that are about to take place in our lives and the thoughts & feelings that accompany them, the downsides to perceived effort, the benefits of being “delusional”, making our dreams come true, and honking in tunnels.

We finish off the episode with the things that make you go “hmm.” This segment is dedicated to situations that have you feeling a certain type of way… where you maybe think “interesting”, or “I don’t like that.” Basically, this is our version of the infamous ick. It turned out to be quite a revealing game, and we guarantee that it makes life a lot funnier when applied to things that aren’t necessarily your favorite. 

Sending love to all of you this week friends, talk soon. xx


146. Follow Your Plan, Not Your Mood


144. Doesn’t Everyone Love Dating?