137. Choosing To Be The Calm In The Storm

Us gals just got back from Texas, so we’ve got some things to unpack.

In this episode, we chat about our recent travels to Dallas, Texas, but uphold a common theme throughout the ep - being the calm in the storm. We agreed that one of our biggest takeaways (& possibly one of our greatest strengths as a duo) is being a force of calm when things seem unpredictable, and how valuable that action can be when encountering situations that are out of our control. Of course, we’re human and things get a bit wild in our mental space from time to time, so may this episode act as a reminder to be the calm that all of us need. Just call us The Calm Cowboys.

We hope you have an amazing week - Cheers to more opportunities, more travel, and upholding our words for the New Year. 


138. Respectfully, Get Away From Me


136. Through Thick & Thin