133. Whew, We Needed This

We’re switching things up this week & responding to thought-provoking questions typically answered behind closed doors. We open up about what we needed to hear when we were children, core memories, divorce, death, & much much more. We go deep in this one, haha. 

We hope our transparency inspires some introspection, and at the very least, you have fun listening. 

We included the questions that we answered below for your viewing pleasure. Pls take our word for it, these questions are worth answering for yourself. 

Love you, Cowboys! xx

Questions discussed in ep:

  •  Do you think about your past or future more? 

  • Do you feel like you have a 'purpose'? What is it, if so?

  • What did you need to hear as a child?

  • When you look in the mirror, do you see yourself or your reflection? Do you make the distinction between those things?

  • What do you think is waiting for you after death, if anything? Does the idea of dying upset you? Why? Can you imagine nothingness

  • What memories would describe as your "core" ones? 

  • If I could only know one thing about you, what would be the most important thing?

  • Where do you wish you had grown up? Do you think your childhood's natural landscape had a role in the person you are today?

  • What do you want an answer to?

  • What do you crave in a psychological sense? Intimacy, passion, purpose, belonging, social interaction, etc.?

  • Is there a song, book, movie, or other piece of media that has drastically altered your life? What was it, are there multiple?


134. A Cowboy Tradition


132. Good Reminders For When Life Gets Hectic