111. Cowboys With A Side Of Wellness

In this week’s episode, we’re taking things back to our roots. That’s right, this episode is dedicated to all things wellness. If you’ve been listening for a while, you’ll probably know that we started this podcast because we wanted to share our passion for wellness, and take y’all along for the ride as we worked to deepen our understanding of what it really means to be well (by the way, if you’re a new listener, welcome :), we’re happy to have you).

Things have changed for us Cowboys, or rather evolved, and we’re reinvigorated by our new approach to wellness. As we step into this new era of The Cowboy, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on where we’ve been & where we’re goin’. So, we break it all down in episode 111, with a little mention as to why this episode number holds significance.

As always, thank you SO VERY MUCH for listening. Love y’all. xoxo


112. Colonics and Q&As


110. The Nice Guy Thing